
Podcast: Legal Design Insight con Arianna Rossi (2021), LC publishing podcast.

Rossi, A., and Palmirani, M., (2020). Can Visual Design Provide Legal Transparency? The Challenges for Successful Implementation of Icons for Data Protection. Design Issues Volume 36 | Issue 3 | Summer 2020, MIT Press (p.82-96).

Rossi, A., and Palmirani, M., (2020). What’s in an Icon? Promises and Pitfalls of Data Protection Iconography. In: R. Leenes, D. Hallinan, S. Gutwirth and P. De Hert (Eds.), Data Protection and Privacy: Data Protection and Democracy. Hart Publishing (p.59-91).

Robaldo, L., Bartolini, C., Palmirani, M., Rossi, A., Martoni, M., & Lenzini, G. (2020). Formalizing GDPR provisions in reified I/O logic: the DAPRECO knowledge base. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 29(4), 401-449.

Rossi, A., and Palmirani, M., (2019). DaPIS: an Ontology-Based Data Protection Icon Set. In G. Peruginelli & S. Faro (Eds.): Knowledge of the Law in the Big Data Age. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol. 317. IOS Press. ISBN: 978-1-61499-984-3 (print) | 978-1-61499-985-0 (online).

Rossi, A., (2019). Legal Design for the General Data Protection Regulation. A Methodology for the Visualization and the Communication of Legal Concepts. Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di Ricerca in Law Science and Technology, 31 ciclo.

Rossi, A., Ducato, R., Haapio, H., Passera, S., & Palmirani, M. (2019). Legal Design Patterns Towards a New Language for Legal Information Design. In Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 22nd International Legal Infomatics Symposium IRIS (pp. 517-526).

Palmirani, M., Bartolini, C., Martoni, M., Robaldo, L., & Rossi, A., (2018). Legal Ontology for Modelling GDPR Concepts and Norms. In Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: JURIX 2018: The Thirty-first Annual Conference (Vol. 313, p. 91). IOS Press.

Rossi, Arianna and Palmirani, Monica, From Words to Pictures Through Legal Visualizations (2018). In Ugo Pagallo et al. (Eds.): AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems: AICOL International Workshops 2015–2017: AICOL-VI@ JURIX 2015, AICOL-VII@ EKAW 2016, AICOL-VIII@ JURIX 2016, AICOL-IX@ ICAIL 2017, and AICOL-X@ JURIX 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, 2018, pp. 72-85. DOI:

Palmirani, M., Martoni, M., Rossi, A., Bartolini, C., & Robaldo, L., (2018). PrOnto: Privacy Ontology for Legal Compliance. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Digital Government ECDG 2018. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, UK, pp. 142-151.

Palmirani, M., Martoni, M., Rossi, A., Bartolini, C., & Robaldo, L., (2018). PrOnto: Privacy Ontology for Legal Reasoning. International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective. Springer, Cham, pp. 139-152.

Palmirani, M., Rossi, A., Martoni, M. and Hagan, M., A Methodological Framework to Design a Machine-Readable Privacy Icon Set (2018). In Erich Schweighofer et al. (Eds.), Data Protection / LegalTech. Proceedings of the 21th International Legal Informatics Symposium IRIS 2018. Editions Weblaw, Bern 2018, pp. 451–454 (ISBN 978-3-906940-21-2) and in Jusletter IT, 22 February 2018.

Haapio, H., Hagan, M., Palmirani, M. and Rossi, Arianna, Legal Design Patterns for Privacy (2018). In Erich Schweighofer et al. (Eds.), Data Protection / LegalTech. Proceedings of the 21th International Legal Informatics Symposium IRIS 2018. Editions Weblaw, Bern 2018, pp. 445–450 (ISBN 978-3-906940-21-2) and in Jusletter IT, 22.

Rossi, Arianna and Palmirani, Monica, A Visualization Approach for Adaptive Consent in the European Data Protection Framework (2017). In: 2017 International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM), Krems, Austria, 2017, pp. 159-170. DOI:  10.1109/CeDEM.2017.23